Call for solutions to Reduce your energy bills
Do you have an efficient & sustainable solution to reduce energy consumption at home?
What's in it for you?
- Enter the radar of two major energy-device distributors in Europe (an energy provider and a distributor of home improvement products in the B2C market)
- If eligible, benefit from direct introductions with high-level decision-makers in those groups, and other of the Solar Impulse Foundation
- Receive all the benefits of the Efficient Solutions Label, if awarded (more info)
Looking for B2C Solutions to
- Store domestically produced Energy
- Thermal
- Kinetic
- Compressed Air
- Any other innovative storage
- Reduce heating by improving air quality
- Dehumidifying
- Purifying
- Monitoring
- Ventilating
- Manage energy during peak period
- Demand Side Management
- Peak Shaving technologies
Target Market
France, Belgium, Spain
Sign up for the initiative
Deadline to show interest
February 28th 2023